Flood Insurance: What is it all about?

Flood Insurance Myrtle BeachIt is a smart idea to stay safeguarded and get insurance for your family during the rainy days. When we speak about the rainy days, we do not only discuss personal health issues, car damage, and home injuries, but also issues experienced during the times of natural disasters. We are all aware how unpredictable nature is, therefore the best way to remain protected is to be insured.

In the event of a flood, one way to get your family protected is to have flood insurance available. As a homeowner, you have to be aware that this is another type insurance that you have to purchase because the standard home insurance will cover damages due to flood. Do not be confused here, because a standard home insurance does cover rainwater damage. However, if flood that enters your home is caused by rising water level from bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and stream, then it probably will not be covered.

Myrtle Beach Insurance Services

If you are looking for flood insurance, you can go to MB Insurance Services, which also provides other insurance like auto, home, and life insurance. This type of insurance will help safeguard your valuable property and belongings.

The company’s independent agents will search the market for a flood insurance that is affordable and one that is right for you.

When should you consider getting a flood insurance?

If you’re planning to have a mortgage on a house that is positioned in a high-risk area, also called a Special Hazard Flood Area, then your bank or investment company or lender will need you to choose the flood insurance coverage before they approve your loan.

In case you want to buy the insurance plan as a precautionary strategy, then you must be sure that your community is an integral part of the national flood program. Since flooding affects every state, there is a high chance that a state and property are also qualified to receive the insurance.

What is included in a flood insurance?

Every person planning to buy a flood insurance should look carefully into the fine print and understand what they are being insured from. There are some flood insurance policies that cover the total amount required to repair the house, or the reasonable value of the house, whichever is smaller.

A number of the damages that this program covers are:

  • the property and its own structure
  • Kitchen appliance
  • electrical systems
  • plumbing
  • Garages(detached)
  • Removal of dust
  • Carpeted(permanently) floors

There are also flood insurance policies that allow coverage of personal property items such as

  • Clothing
  • Drapes
  • Furniture
  • digital equipment
  • window air conditioning units,
  • refrigerator, washer and clothes dryer.
  • Items which should be in a safety deposit box are not part of the coverage, such as jewelry, cash, stock certificates or bearer bonds.

Get in touch with MB Insurance Services today to ensure flood coverage in the most unexpected instances.

Reggie LaPiere

MB Insurance Services

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



Is A Renter’s Insurance Really Important?

Renter's Insurance Myrtle BeachYou always hear parents of first-time apartment renters reminding their children to always get a renter’s insurance. Though some may find it an extra expense, while others see to it as a need.

There was once a college student who kept putting off getting a renter’s insurance then went home during the winter break. When he came back to the apartment, he was devastated when he found out that their apartment was robbed, thus losing all his belongings.

It is true that moving in on a new home is a tedious task, but you should not forget to protect your home and your belongings in case of emergency. Thus getting a renter’s insurance is necessary. But what exactly is this type of insurance?

Here are several commonly asked questions about renter’s insurance and the answers.

Why is there a need for a renter’s insurance coverage?

A lot of apartment building and property managers only have insurance policy that covers the damages to the structure, which leaves anything you own, say electronic devices, furniture, or clothes at risks. So, to safeguard your personal belongings in case of fire, theft or damage, you require your own insurance plan, called an HO4 or renter’s insurance plan. Depending on the company, the insurance usually covers repair services and medical costs.

Exactly what will my plan cover and what it will not?

  • Personal belongings

Many conventional tenant’s insurance plan provide security for your possessions in cases of water damage or fire, power surge, burglary, as well as other events beyond your control. Nevertheless, most insurers do not cover damages triggered by flood water, quakes, landslides, or nuclear risks. If you live near a geological fault or near a body of water or are worried regarding these risks, talk with your insurance policy representative about getting a special insurance plan.

  • Loss of Usage

There are renter’s insurance plans that cover your living costs in case you should leave your house after a mishap. Even a tree accident on your roofing and other areas that require repair service before you could live there again is covered by a renter’s insurance. Loss of use will cover housing, food and other expenditures you might need during the that time.

  • Obligation/Liability

Your liability protection cost for physical injury as well as residential property damages triggered by neglect– like if your pet dog suddenly gets loose and and attacks the next-door neighbor’s youngster who needs to obtain stitches.

Take note that you are NOT covered for oversight for anticipated physical injury, business activities or vehicle-related damages. These require another type of insurance.

  • Extra Protection

Along with the essentials, there are a couple of other kinds of insurance coverage plans to find out about. If a guests endures an injury in your house, your insurance plan’s “clinical settlements to others” protection will surely take care of the clinical expenses.

How much is the renter’s insurance I need?

Lots of property managers need their renters to have a minimum of $100K in liability protection. If your property owner does not have this standard, speak with an insurance policy representative to identify the cost of the renter’s insurance you need.

For property damage protection, the first thing that your insurance representative will ask is the value of your property. While it may just seem a simple task, when you really think about how it would cost you to replace your belongings, it is not that easy. However, a general rule is that standard insurance coverage for apartments is around thirty to fifty thousand dollars while for houses, it usually costs around $100,000.

Tip: Take a photo of everything you own or important items inside your home. This way, you can document your possessions, so you will have an estimate of the value of your property.

Where do I get a renter’s insurance and how much?

The first thing you need to do is to contact a trusted insurance representative to discuss the cost and coverage. You can also search for Regie Lapiere online to help you decide on what type of insurance you need for you and your family.

For more information on renter’s home insurance, you can call Regie Lapiere from MB Insurance Services.

Reggie LaPiere

MB Insurance Services

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



Teen Drivers on Purchasing Car Insurance Myrtle Beach

Car Insurance Myrtle BeachThe young adult purchasing car insurance is at a disadvantage. Why, because car insurance in Myrtle Beach and in some other states are based on age as well as driving experience along with the driver’s record.

So how can one young adult have a car insurance?

According to experts, the very best way for teen drivers to get the best rates for a car insurance is to keep on their parents’ plan to get driving experience and record. There is a great chance that after about three years, along with a clean driving record, that a favored car insurance plan from the parents’ insurance company could be on the teen for their very own car insurance Myrtle Beach

There are many discount rates for the teen drivers today. Undergoing driver’s training education and learning is one of the most usual price cut. The drivers training program generally has 30 hours of driving with an accredited teacher in addition to 6 hrs of classroom task. Some business offer price cuts for those students who bring a 3.0 GPA in senior high school or university. There is likewise a resident pupil price cut readily available by some car insurance Myrtle Beach companies. The pupil needs to live more than 100 miles far from home to obtain this discount rate.

Car Insurance Myrtle Beach Age Score Tiers

A lot of car insurance Myrtle Beach have age score rates for young drivers. Teens aged from 16 to 21 is one tier, as well as the prices, are the highest possible in this period. The following age tier starts at age 21 and also finishes at age 25. The prices go down dramatically at age 21 then again at age 25.

Vehicle Types Also Make A Distinction

The thing with car insurance Myrtle Beach is that younger the driver, the greater the insurance rate. The prices are really high for younger drivers on more recent vehicles that call for the accident as well as extensive insurance coverage. Older automobiles that just need liability protection as a minimal state requirement is one way to reduce prices for the teenage driver. For utility vehicles such as pick-up, these vehicles get a little discount rate and the teen driver could also make use of that price cut. Teen drivers should steer clear from high-efficiency cars due to the fact that the prices will certainly be really high as well as these vehicles could not get approved for common car insurance coverage.

To get the most out of your car insurance Myrtle Beach, call Reggie LaPiere from MB Insurance Services

Reggie LaPiere

MB Insurance Services

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



Is Cheap Home Insurance A Real Deal?

Home Insurance Myrtle BeachDo you really believe that there is such a thing as low-cost-home insurance? But the real question is: Is home insurance really that pricey?

Home owner’s insurance policy might effectively be the customer’s ideal buy when it concerns insurance policy. There are numerous advantages and functions that make the home insurance special. One of the benefits is that everything inside a homeowner’s house could be covered somehow by property owner’s insurance coverage. When you think about the size of the coverage managed by home insurance plan versus the costs paid, then you would agree that home insurance coverage is an excellent buy.

Generally, the rates on home insurance have increased over the last decade because of increased catastrophes like flooding. The harmful mold trouble that came from the west has likewise triggered costs to increase on a nationwide basis. The home insurance coverage customer truly has to concentrate on a couple of areas to maximize the plan that they paid for.

What Affects Home Insurance Rates

Precise Dwelling Amount

This is the most important choice that you will surely make. The square footage of your residence needs to be appropriate in developing the replacement value of your house. In this case, the home market value will be of little function to you when you acquire insurance coverage to reconstruct the framework. For houses that have been built for within the last four decades, a replacement cost is more applicable.

Insurance deductible

Greater deductibles bring your costs down significantly by about $500 to $1000 deductibles are usual. This is a big savings for you throughout the years as well as is your most beneficial tool in decreasing the price.

Actual Cash Value or Replacement Cost

This element of your home insurance coverage needs to be plainly recognized. Replacement cost insurance on both your house as well as its materials indicates that the insurance provider will restore or change your loss with the same type and quality or materials. On the other hand, actual cash value with compute for the replacement cost first, then deduct for devaluation. This plan is less costly however you will need to generate the depreciable cost from your very own pocket.

For this instance, it is better to talk to your home insurance agent and recognize the best insurance policy for you.

Need more information on your home insurance policy? Call or visit MB Insurance Services in Myrtle Beach.

Reggie LaPiere

MB Insurance Services

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

